The daily struggle of finding something to wear hidden amongst a year’s worth of garments is an unnecessary battle. But with a little forethought and some planning, your wardrobe can be transformed from garment jungle to serene oasis where everything has its place.
Seasonal storing of your clothes isn’t just about making your wardrobe look like the kind of kind space you see on minimalist blogs, it’s also a great way to keep your clothes in the best condition while weeding out ones you no longer wear for eBay or local charity bins.
To avoid moths, mould, dust and simple wear and tear, here are some of the best ways to store your unworn clothes and keep them in peak condition during the off-season.
Vacuum packing
Vacuum packing – sealing away your clothes in airtight bags – not only protects your clothes but also creates a lot more space in your wardrobe, which will inevitably make things easier whenever you need to get ready. Because the bags are see through, you can easily keep track of trans-seasonal items on the off-chance of cold-fronts or heatwaves.
On the downside, they can occasionally need resealing and don’t allow the clothing to breathe. They’re also not ideal for delicate clothing and can often trap in moisture, although including silica crystals in the bag can help prevent this.
Cloth storage bags
Not as convenient space-wise as vacuum packing, using 100% cotton or wool bags is much safer for delicate clothing as they allow the clothes to breathe. Wrapping clothes in tissue paper will also prevent them from yellowing and snagging on zippers or other clothes while in storage.
Storage bins
Storage bins can be an easier alternative to vacuum bags but the irony is that they require a fair amount of storage space themselves.
Storage bins are perfect for stashing summer clothing, like excess tees and shorts, and more hardwearing garments such as jeans. Using silica gel sachets will also help prevent moisture from developing mould.
Cedar, not mothballs
The scent of mothballs is at once distinct, hard to remove and never pleasant. Invest in a natural alternative such as cedar blocks that not only smells great, but works just as well, if not better, at preventing damage from moths and silverfish. Cedar hangers are also great for suits, helping to absorb moisture from daily wear.
If you're storing leather or fur, however, cedar can actually dry the fibres out. Use sachets of lavender instead.
The Wake Up and Care for Wool Show with Frances
How to store wool
Tips for storing wool clothes
Always clean your garments before storing – this helps prevent odours, stains and build-up of dirt.
Fold, rather than hang. This will help garments retain their shape while in storage.
Check on your garments every now and then and make sure no moisture has appeared or any insects have crept inside.
Wool care
What is pilling?
What is pilling? These fuzzy balls on the surface of clothing often result in an unsightly or worn out appearance. Learn more about where they come from.
Wool care
Caring for wool
Washing wool is easy, but there are few other steps to help your wool clothing keep its ‘as new’ look and feel for longer.
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How to wash wool
Can you wash wool in the washing machine? Yes, it is possible, but how do you do it? Learn more about washing wool here.
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The best way to remove stains from wool clothes
Do you have stained clothes? Never fear, this easy guide by Woolmark will let you remove stains with ease to have clean, stain-free clothes in no time.
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Cleaning wool shoes
Washing your wool shoes has never been easier. Follow this simple guide to wash your wool shoes to keep them looking and smelling clean.
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How to wash and dry wool blankets
To make sure your wool blankets last a lifetime, follow these steps when airing, washing, drying and storing your wool blankets.
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How to repair wool clothing
Easy step-by-step guides to repair holes in socks, patch holes and rips, repair seams, fix pulled hems and sew buttons back on.
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Washing Merino wool socks
Unlike other fibres, wool resists odour, meaning you don't need to wash wool socks as often as other socks. But in case you do, be sure to follow these helpful tips.
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Washing wool pants
Your go-to guide for washing wool pants and prolonging their lifespan.
25 Jun 2017
Wool care
Kann ich Wolle maschinell trocknen?
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Darf Wollkleidung in den Wäschetrockner? Schau immer aufs Pflegeetikett deines Kleidungsstückes, bevor du es in den Trockner gibst. Im Zweifelsfall solltest du deine Wollkleidung liegend trocknen.
Wool care
How to wash wool
Can you wash wool in the washing machine? Yes, it is possible, but how do you do it? Learn more about washing wool here.
Wool care
How to iron wool
Can you iron wool? Yes, but you want to make sure you are following Woolmark's recommended steps so you don't ruin your beautiful wool clothes.
Wool care
How to wash a wool sweater
Washing & drying wool sweaters and jumpers has never been easier. Use our simple guide to take the stress out of washing your wool.
Wool care
How to dry a wool sweater
Your go-to guide to drying your Merino wool sweater, ensuring it retains its look and feel. Follow these tips on how to dry a wool sweater correctly.
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Best detergent to use when washing wool
What is the best wool wash detergent to use when washing your wool clothes? Follow the Woolmark guide to the best wool detergents to use to care for your wool clothes so that they last a lifetime.
Wool care
Can you dry clean Merino wool?
If the care claims on your Merino wool garment states the item can be dry cleaned, it is safe to take it to a professional dry cleaner.
Wool care
Washing instruction symbols explained
Ever wonder what those washing tag symbols and instructions actually mean? has created a video and guide so you can wash and dry your clothes safely.